Saturday, 3 March 2012

Adventures of Raziel sketches from toys

Happy Couple
The Soul Reaver

A common thing i have is collecting toys, though i've only just started so i thought i'll combined 2 together with a humorous pose. Problem is i really did not do this justice. A common problem i have in drawing is that i struggle with technical things, cars buildings and robots can be weak points hense why master chief here is looking abit odd. The quality of the scan wasn't at best here but this was because on the back of this page the water color piece is there.

Speaking of water colors here's my Raziel figure. I'm not at best with water colors regardless I like how this was turned out. I wished i had more of a variety in my water colors and would like more definitive colors. The figure started darker and got lighter as it went down and this was not intentional i lost the colors i wanted to mix. So that's it for now more figure drawings to come!

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