Sunday 21 October 2012

Tree mood board

Damn im not sure on this assignment. But without further ado heres my mood board for trees.
Finding decent atmospheric trees is harder then your adverage alien piece because its hard to come by.

I look for different trees to convey certain moods and atmosphere as i feel its the more interesting route to take.

Though funny enough i know of this amazing half hollowed out tree that i'll snap some photos for that i'll most likely use for my final piece because frankly this tree is probally one of the most interesting trees i've ever seen in my life.
Now i know that isnt much coming from a 21 year old student who hasn't traveled around very far.

But you'll see what i meen when i upload these pictures.
So in the meen time check the mood board for some twisted looking trees (none of them are as good as my own tree)

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